Life Lessons for Graduates Encourages Students to Contemplate Life After Commencement by Asking the Hard Questions

Educator and political advocate Frances Arthor is please to announce the unveiling of her best-selling book, Life Lessons for Graduates, which released to retail earlier this year from WordCrafts Press. An instant hit with fans, Life Lessons for Graduates debuted at the Number 4 spot on’s Hot New Releases in the Christian Home Schooling category.

Before you were born, God planned this exact moment. It is no coincidence you are reading this book, contemplating life after high school. God yearns for you to discover the life He designed for you to live—your purpose and mission.

People are frequently puzzled by their pursuit of the purpose of life. We are commonly unaware of the starting point and the right questions to ask. Our purpose in life is more significant than ourselves. It is greater than our happiness and our wildest goals and ambitions. The Bible says, “The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.” God does not abandon us in the darkness. If we wish to know our purpose in life, we must acknowledge God as our source and starting point. We must answer the following questions: Who are you now? Whose are you? What does it mean to belong to God? What do you believe; and why?

In Life Lessons for Graduates, author/educator Frances Arthur dives deep into these questions and their significance.

“After hearing me speak at a high school graduation last year, a friend commented that she wished the graduates had known this information sooner,” Frances explained of her motivation for writing the book.

“I considered that the information I shared at that ceremony might have been too little, too late for those graduates, but it could be just what the next graduating class needs to hear before launching out into the next stage of their lives. So, I began writing.”

Far from being just another collection of inspirational quotes, Life Lessons for Graduates is a true working journal, designed to encourage students to ask the right questions, and it provides worksheets with plenty of space for the reader to write out their answers. The end result is a personalized roadmap for navigating life.

“The worksheets provide an opportunity for students to truly think about important issues; issues that will play a role in everything they will do in their adulthood,” Frances says. “The reader will get to write out their ideas, hash out complex matters, and grow in their understanding of who they are, whose they are, what they believe, and why they believe it.”

While the book would make a wonderful graduation gift for your high school student, it could be an even better gift for students at the beginning of their senior year. “Think of it as a senior project,” Frances says. “Students have the entire year to leisurely read through the book, and complete the worksheets at the end of each chapter.”

About the Author

Frances Arthur holds a degree in Music Education from Tennessee Tech University. She taught music in the public school system for eight years before opting to stay home with her two sons, Ben and David. Homeschooling provided plenty of opportunities for her to be back in the classroom at homeschool cooperatives and tutorials where she successfully taught classes in music, choir, space science, grammar, civics, US history, 20th century history, government, economics, and an Emotional Health and Intelligence curriculum that she wrote.

Frances lives with her husband, Dale, on a 40-acre beef cattle farm in Middle Tennessee with their Devil-Dog, Opha, a spirited Blue Heeler. She volunteers with Tennessee Eagle Forum as the Student Eagle Director for Tennessee, teaching high school students across the state how to effectively participate in their government. She also serves as the National Student Eagle Chairman for Eagle Forum.