Current Events Take on a Stomach-Clenching Urgency as Novelist Ponders End of Days Scenario

Author KL Palmer is celebrating the re-release of her eerily prescient novella, The Endurants, which is available at retail today, Wednesday, June 2, 2021, in hardback, trade paperback, and all major ebook formats from WordCrafts Press. Palmer originally self-published the novella in 2015 under the name of KL Collins. The popular novelist recently signed with WordCrafts Press to bring her new and backlist titles to a fresh audience.

Eschatology 101

The study of the final events of history and the ultilmate destiny of the human race.

The 10-week theology course was supposed to be an easy A; an elective to fulfill my degree requirements at the university.

Wars, and Rumors of Wars.
Global Climate Devastation.
Famine. Pestilence. Pandemic.
Economic Collapse.

It might not be the Second Coming of Christ, but suddenly the Apolcalypse, the End of Days, no longer seemed like a far off fairy tale. Jim Morrison once opined, No one here gets out alive.

Except us. We will endure.

“What’s next?” Cressler muses. “A follow up novel, of course! Moneymaker. It’s the story of the larger-than-life Demimonde character who struggles to control himself and Shantytown, a slum laden with enemies. He’s tormented by his past and despite riches and power, his life is barely worth living. Then a vaguely familiar face from the past knocks on his door. It’s Vonn Thrasher, and he’s there for a reason.”

“A few years ago I sat among friends as we discussed the topic of when and how the world might end,” Palmer recalls. “Life had become so crazy, it felt like we were on the fast track to the Apocalypse; straight out of John’s Revelation. That launched me on a quest to research end times scenarios. I wondered what it would be like if there were college courses we could take that might help us prepare for the uncertainties that might follow a complete economic, social, or political collapse.”

“KL came to WordCrafts Press a couple of years ago as an accomplished romance author,” says WordCrafts Press publisher, Mike Parker. “After the release of her novel, Pipe Dream, we knew we wanted to be the publishing home for all of her works. Of course, we were expecting more contemporary romance. We didn’t expect her to be adept at writing speculative apocalyptic fiction. But boy, did she deliver a thrilling, and incredibly timely, story! This one hits people where they live.”

“As tumultuous times have again turned the world on its axis, I felt it was time to reintroduce The Endurants to readers again,” Palmer says. “My prayer is that it will help to calm some nerves, to encourage the cautious prepare, and maybe open the eyes of those not able to see how rapidly a dysfunctional society can erupt into complete global chaos. I hope readers will enjoy the novella for the thrill ride it is. It is after all, fiction. But I also tried to include relavent, and I think important, information that can point readers in the right direction. Will it be needed? And when? Nobody knows. Do you want to take that chance?”

About the Author

KL Palmer calls herself the working mother’s author. Even though she hasn’t (yet) written a book on how to be a better mom, or how to incorporate your personal life into your long work day; she did follow her dream and write a novel—or five. She hopes to inspire other working moms to write, or follow their dreams wherever they lead, and not give up.

One thing that sets her apart from other authors is her propensity to write what she calls break chapters—chapters short enough to take a bathroom break, commercial break, or smoke break away from life, with each averaging just two to three pages. She wants to bring reading back into the lives of busy people; to show that you can, in fact, enjoy a book and take time for yourself; and do so with the limited and precious spare time you have.

Born and raised in a quiet Amish-surrounded community in Pennsylvania, she now resides in Tennessee with her family. In addition to being employed full time in a corporate real estate position, Palmer remains passionate about her church and her writing. She jokes that her mind never shuts off. Even in the most inopportune time she’s jotting down ideas for the next manuscript. Just don’t tell her boss!