Perceval the Altruistic is a fresh, alternately humorous and heartwrenching retelling of the Old Testament story of Job set in the Middle Ages.

Celebrated comedian and bestselling author  Robert G. Lee and WordCrafts Press are thrilled to announce his new novel, Perceval the Altruistic: and His Amazing Discovery of the Long-lost Secret to Happiness, which released to retail in November 2024 in hardback, trade paperback, and all major ebook formats. Set in the Middle Ages in the mythical Kingdom of Goodania, Lee’s alternately humorous and heartwrenching tale follows the trials and tribulations of Perceval, a humble man who had it all, lost it all, and against all odds got it all back again.

Picture the classic story of Job, reimagined as a Princess Bride fractured fairy tale, co-written by C.S. Lewis and Monty Python, and you’ll have a picture of the warm, witty and wonderfully romantic adventure that awaits you in Perceval the Altruistic. The tale begins with a tragically unimaginable loss, then follows Perceval as he struggles through his own pilgrim’s progress of grief until he fights his way to a confrontation with the King. Will his bravery be rewarded with an answer to his soul-searching plea, or a demand he forfeit his very life?

Throughout, the book is teeming with wry commentary on modern society, unrequited affections, heartfelt laughs, and, yes, the discovery of the long-lost secret to happiness.

“Inspired by the biblical story of Job, Perceval the Altruistic is both a fractured fairy tale as well as a work of science fiction,” explains author Robert G. Lee. “I found the best way to hold a mirror up to our society was to update the oldest story known to man by taking a 700-year step backwards, to medieval times. My aim in writing the novel was twofold.

“First, I wanted to create an out-of-time tale that reflected the theological mind of C.S. Lewis, the madcap humor Monty Python, and the romance and adventure of The Princess Bride. Second, I wanted to show how each of us has to ultimately wrestle with God over the big questions such as Why? and Why me?

From the Novel

Once upon a time there was a living, breathing, oxymoron known by all as Perceval the Altruistic, who lived in the bustling village of Kingston, which was nestled in the middle of humanity’s last, best hope: the tiny country known as Goodania. Before life dealt this human dichotomy a severe blow via the crap stick, he somehow defied the odds and was universally acknowledged as being not just excessively rich but also a decent human being as well.

Prior to his great role reversal, Perceval was married to Gwendolyn the Exquisitely Beautiful. Sadly, his wonderful wife was undeniably gorgeous on the outside but a little less than radiant on the inside.

When not stewarding his great fortune or spending time with his brood of children, Percy spent more than a few waking hours with his loyal best friends, Richard the Conveniently Brave, Stephen the Sarcastic, and Todd.

Only our hero knows exactly when, but sometime after the upcoming harrowing tale and, no doubt, mainly because of it, Perceval unwittingly uncovered the long-lost, much sought after secret to happiness.

But all of that’s not even close to the main thrust of the story.

“The longer I stayed in Perceval’s world, the more enamored of it I became,” Lee confesses. “Frankly, I didn’t want it to end. As to what’s next, my plan is to return to the kingdom of Goodania for two more novels in order to complete the Perceval trilogy.”

About Robert G. Lee

Not many comedians make the cover of The Wall Street Journal, have warmed up thousands of audiences for Hollywood’s top sitcoms, are a staple on SIRIUS radio’s Laugh USA, or have released eight comedy projects.

Meet Robert G. Lee, a seasoned comic who comes armed with a refreshing clean relatable act. He’s been entertaining audiences behind the scenes on Hollywood sitcoms such as Golden Girls, Wings, Old Christine and One Day at a Time for over three decades!

Whether delivering laughs nationwide on his DryBar comedy special or writing punchlines for produce on Veggie Tales, Robert’s clever, slice-of-life observational material along with his impish and punchy storytelling style is always a guaranteed audience pleaser.



Multi-genre author, Frank F. Fiore