Author Katherine Kerestman Prowls Around Haunted Towers, Crumbling Castles, and Ghoulish Graveyards in Search of Our Shared Humanity

Author Katherine Kerestman is celebrating the release of her debut travel book, Creepy Cat’s Macabre Travels: Prowling Around Haunted Towers, Crumbling Castles, and Ghoulish Graveyards, which released to retail in hardback, trade paperback, and all major ebook formats from WordCrafts Press on Halloween, 2020.

Kerestman takes her readers on a deliciously macabre journey to destinations near and far; across the United States, Europe, China, and Mexico, exploring not only well known sites such a Dracula’s Castle in Transylvania, or the Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast in Fall River, Massachusetts, but traveling down paths perhaps a bit less well trodden, such as Adams, Tennessee’s Bell Witch cave, and the graveyard in Evans City, Pennsylvania, made famous in director George Romero’s genre-defining classic film, _Night of the Living Dead_. Instead of simply rehashing the same old travelogue mantra, Kerestman dives deep into the culture, the cuisine, the humanity of each site she visits, and shares her discoveries with her fans.

“I did not have a message when I began to write _**Creepy Cat’s Macabre Travels**_,” Kerestman muses. “I was simply telling stories about my travels to places with a common theme: a relation to a macabre tale. As I wrote about my adventures, though, I began to analyze my experiences. I grew to appreciate the themes that humans all over the earth, and throughout the ages, share: wonder and fear. In literary jargon, these feelings are known as _The Sublime_.

“Tales of the macabre globally tell of our human responses to the terrifying and the unknown — bravery, heroism, cowardice, greed, faith, despair, hope, and desperation. Through a combination of nature and nurture, I tend to see the similarities between peoples more than the differences — which, to me, are usually superficial. The bottom line? We are all afraid. We all want love and safety.”

“Stories are the best way to try on other people’s minds,” Kerestman insists. “Stories are a pleasant pathway to enlightenment — to appreciating the human-ness of each of us. We need to read about people who are different from those we see every day. We need to tear down those walls between Us and Them. Then will we be able to understand how much we are the same. Through the chilling tales of the darker aspects of the human experience, the stories which have inspired **_Creepy Cat’s Macabre Travels_**, readers can creep among the lonely graves and crypts of other people’s experiences and perhaps tear down a few of the bricks in those walls dividing us from each other, while simultaneously enjoying bloodcurdling stories.”

About the Author

Katherine Kerestman holds a B.A. degree from John Carroll University and a Master of Arts degree from Case Western Reserve University. She loves to travel, especially to destinations with literary and macabre associations, including Transylvania, Whitby, Salem, and Stonehenge. She has joined her literary, historical and macabre proclivities together into her first non-fiction title, Creepy Cat’s Macabre Travels: Prowling Around Haunted Towers, Crumbling Castles, and Ghoulish Graveyards.