America’s First Family of Fruit has a Creepy Adventure, Just in Time for Harvest Festivities

Fred Fruitee was bored. He longed for a little adventure. But when a thunderstorm chased him into Mr. Farmer’s shed, he found more adventure than he bargained for. That’s when he encountered…The Pickers!

The delightfully whimsical children’s picture book, The Fruitees Encounter The Pickers, written by Michael Hendrickson and illustrated by Tori King, released nationally this month from WordCrafts Press, just in time for fall 2021 harvest celebrations.

Meet the Fruitees family. What a pair Daddy Rudy and Momma Trudy are to their three sons. As different in personality as they are in appearance, Frick (an apple), Fred (an orange), and Baby Frack (a cherry) are mischievous, fun loving, and always ready for an adventure.

The Fruitees Encounter The Pickers is just a touch creepy,” says Hendrickson. “It’s geared for early elementary school readers and family story time, and is a fun followup to the series 2019 debut, The Fruitees Have Some Family Fun. “

This tale focuses on the middle son, Fred Fruitee (an orange) who longs for a little adventure. When a storm forces him into Mr. Farmer’s shed, Fred gets the unexpected thrill of meeting The Pickers up close…too close for comfort. “Facing your fears and taking responsibility for your actions are takeaway themes for parents,” Hendrickson notes. “For kids the question is, will Fred Fruitee have enough juice to rise to the occasion?”

“Children’s picture books is one tough genre to work in,” says WordCrafts Press publisher, Mike Parker. “But author Michael Hendrickson is a natural storyteller with a knack for creating engaging characters that children love and parents can relate to.”

The Fruitees Encounter The Pickers makes a perfect gift for that little one on your list. It is available in both hardback and trade paperback formats, and coming soon to ebook. The Fruitees Encounter The Pickers is published in the U.S. by WordCrafts Press and distributed globally by Ingram Content Group, the world’s largest distributor of physical content.

About the Author

Author Michael Hendrickson makes his home in Middle Tennessee where he writes imaginative children’s stories, and pop-culture influenced, murder mystery comedy plays. His previous work includes the hilarious Christmas-themed picture book, Dingle the Flatulent ReindeerThe Adventures of Mighty Matt & Hedidit, and The Fruitees Have Some Family Fun.