New Devotional Book Encourages Readers to Look at Life with Fresh Eyes

Author and Bible teacher Beverly ND Clopton is pleased to unveil her latest 50-day devotional book, God in the Commonplace, which released to retail on February 13, 2025, from WordCrafts Press.


“The bookcover truly captures the essence of why I wrote this devotional,” author Beverly Clopton says. “Comments from a couple of sisters in the Lord encouraged me to take a bit of a different direction than I normally go when writing my devotional books. I have a habit of making connections to the divine in lots of things I encounter during an ordinary day, and I truly feel God’s presence with me everywhere. Often it’s so real that He opens my eyes and heart to perceive His presence in situations others seem not to notice. Those sisters would say, ‘That needs to be in your next book!’ or ‘Okay, that’s definitely for the new book!’ Over time I began to structure God in the Commonplace accordingly—with the encouragement and inspiration of my co-author, the Holy Spirit, of course!”

God in the Commonplace is written in a slightly different format than the average devotional. Learning to see and sense God everywhere and all the time requires looking at life in a new way. Each encounter with other people or within the routines of daily living presents us with an opportunity to bask in the presence of the Lord and find reasons to rejoice, to smile, to laugh aloud, to shake our heads in amazement and say, “There He goes again, displaying His faithfulness and giving joy!”

In these everyday, ordinary, commonplace occurances, the Scripture comes to life, and we can proclaim with assurance along with the writer of 2nd Corinthians that we are always of good courage for while we are at home in the body we walk by faith, not by sight. It is the author’s fervent prayer that each each of these devotionals may open your heart and mind to God’s extraordinary presence in the ordinary of your life’s journey

From the Devotional

The introduction to my fifth book ended with my declaration that “I will write until I die”—which happened to be the name of that book. I completed the manuscript for book six, and as I awaited its release and publication (which can take a while), I struggled to begin writing book seven. I’d begun to think perhaps my bold declaration that I would “write until I die” might have been an overstatement. For whatever reason the Holy Spirit Muse and I were out of sync.

Eventually, I felt I was being led to explore a format different than the writing I had done to date. Daily, I am awed by the grace God shows me, the favor He bestows, the unexpected joys that dot the landscape of my life, and the continual growth of my faith. Usually, these divine experiences fall within my ordinary comings and goings. They are typically unexpected, inspiring, mundane, sometimes comical, often convicting, and always point to God’s sovereignty in some form or fashion.

Because a day seldom passes without my awareness of His revealed Presence, I decided to chronicle these incidents or happenings with the intention of showcasing how God is indeed ever present in our lives, from the mundane to the sublime; that it is often in the ordinary rhythms of life that we encounter the gift of extraordinary divinity.

About the Author

Beverly ND Clopton, the eldest of nine children, grew up in Dallas and completed her undergraduate studies in the great state of Texas before embarking on a 40-year calling as a professional educator in the Dallas, Denver, and Los Angeles public school systems.

Stepping into retirement offered Beverly the opportunity to return to her first loves—the written word and the Word of God. She has since published six books of devotions, including Heaven or Bust: Journey to Glory, Sonshine: Reflections of Faith, Surviving Pitfalls on the Path, Rigors of the Call, Until I Die, Lingering in the Word, and her most recent book, God in the Commonplace.

Multi-genre author, Frank F. Fiore