Veteran Educator, Church Staff Member Draws on Family Life and Motherhood for Inspiration for New Devotional Book, Learning As I Go

Author Christy Bass Adams is prepping the release of her debut project, Learning As I Go: Big Lessons from Little People, which releases to retail on September 21, 2022 from WordCrafts Press. The book is already gaining traction with readers, with the Kindle ebook version climbing to the #44 position on’s Hot New Releases in the Christian Family category and #80 in the Hot New Releases in Christian Devotionals category. The paperback version debuted at the #82 position on’s Hot New Releases in it Christian Family and Relationships category.

Learning As I Go includes 75 devotions for parents of young children, drawn from the life-experience of the author.

“Simple snippets of time when we are engaged mindlessly with our children may seem insignificant,” author Christy Bass Adams muses. “But are they, really? Washing clothes, playing on the playground, and driving youngsters to school are all mundane parts of being a parent, but these unassuming moments are often the places God shows up the most with the biggest, longest-lasting impressions.Teaching your child how to ride a bike suddenly becomes a class about fear and letting go. Questions about the abandoned slide on the playground might turn into a quest to reawaken lost dreams and passions from years ago. And a simple trip to the grocery store might teach all about perspectives and heart changes.”

“God often stops me in my tracks during the simplest, most mundane moments of the day and hammers my heart with lessons in the moment,” Christy continues. “These lessons happen most often through everyday life as a parent. I thought, If God used these incidents to touch my heart, He just might be able to use them to minister to someone else’s heart. My personal prayer for each reader is that they will be challenged to examine their hearts, minds, and actions, and if in their seeking they discover something doesn’t align with God’s truth, that they would seek a new direction and change their ways. I also hope that the vivid examples and stories will pop back into their minds throughout the days and weeks, drawing them closer to the heart of the Father.”

About the Author

Christy Bass Adams worked in education for 18 years. Currently, she is the Outreach and Connections Coordinator at Fellowship Baptist Church in Madison, Florida, where she continues to teach, lead, and serve. Her writing career includes a weekly inspirational column for Greene Publishing and regular contributions to,, and in addition to contributing to the anthology, Whispers of Grace. A multi-award winner in a variety of literary categories, Christy considers her most important role that of a wife, and mother to two busy, adventurous boys.

Christy’s love for reading and writing was fueled by her middle school English teachers who exposed her to authors and literature that set her soul ablaze and stirred her ever-growing imagination. Once she obtained her own classroom, Christy instilled a love for reading, writing, and literature in her students, in all aspects of her classroom. Then as a college instructor, it was common for her to begin class with a picture book and challenge her students to find creative ways to incorporate the text across multiple subjects and concepts. Now as a mother, reading is even more important. Having two sons who love to sit in her lap and listen to a story, Christy enjoys fueling the imagination of her own children with timeless classics and forgotten treasures.

For more about Christy, visit her website,