Purgatory Spit Out Its Souls on Eden, Texas. Now There’s Hell to Pay.

Popular Young Adult novelist Ann Swann and WordCrafts Press are celebrating the release of SEEKERS, the second volume in the intense YA horror series, Apocalypse in Eden. Debuting at #53 on Amazon.com’s Hot New Releases in its Alien Invasion Science Fiction category, SEEKERS is the long anticipated sequel to TAKERS, the first book in the series, and fans can look forward to the final volume in the Apocalypse in Eden series, REMAINDERS, coming this spring.

Told through the eyes of a teenaged boy named Jack, the Apocalypse in Eden series starts with TAKERS, a scifi horror story of a group of people who must find a way to survive after a parallel dimension dubbed Purgatory rips open the sky and spits its inhabitants into their midst. Jack, an unwilling leader; finds himself forced to perform tasks he never would have imagined before the rip. But with the help of a motley crew of survivors, including a deaf dog named Snake—and odd brain-blasts of classic rock-n-roll—he grows into the guy who can make decisions that save their little band from annihilation by the creatures he calls… Takers.

In SEEKERS, Book 2 of the series, Jack and what’s left of his band of brothers are headed back to Eden, Texas, seeking the whereabouts of Jack’s father. Along the way they encounter other survivors; some friendly, some decidedly unfriendly.

And they encounter Takers.
Lots more Takers.

But nothing can prepare them for the horror they uncover when they follow mysterious instructions to go to Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado.

This time, it will be a miracle if anyone survives.

“I intended the theme of SEEKERS to be about the survivors not only seeking to survive, but also seeking answers regarding what had happened and why,” says author Ann Swann. “Of course, Jack is driven to seek his father, who he is convinced is still alive, so that added another layer to the title. The one thing I didn’t plan was how Turq, the good Taker, would become a Seeker, too. That happened quite organically after a particular event. Until that point, he was as clueless as the humans.”

Swann teases the final book in the trilogy. “Without givng anything away, the theme of REMAINDERS is intended to reveal what remains after everything that can be shaken, has been shaken, to paraphrase the Scriptures. After everything we take for granted is stripped away, all that’s left is what remains of society… and quite possibly, the remainder of the human race.”

From the Novel

My name is Jack Lewis. I’m fourteen going on fifty. I’ve seen and done things I never would have thought possible. I lost my parents and everything I’d ever known in my little hometown of Eden, Texas, when the Takers dropped through sky holes in a thunderous rain of slime.

The Takers all looked alike—no toes or fingernails, no ears, nothing to even distinguish their gender. And then I saw their shiny garnet eyes and black-slashed mouths. Their sharp silver teeth weren’t visible until they opened those mouths wide enough to bite off someone’s arm or head. They all had the same bald heads and automaton gaits.

My mom died in the library where she worked. I found her body in the Comparative Religions Room. I still haven’t found my dad. He’s out there, somewhere. I’m sure of it. That’s why I’m on the road.

I may have lost my family, but I gained a dog named Snake and a couple of oddball friends. Turq, the turquoise-shirted Taker who had saved me from a painful death, rode shotgun, while my buddy Carlos lay in the back seat on a mound of pillows, still healing from the burns he received at the Battle of Buffalo Jump.

Each of us is looking for something. What? I don’t know. Perhaps we’ll know it when we see it. As my Gran always said, “Seek and ye shall find.”
I guess that make us…


About the Author

Ann Swann lives and dreams in the oil fields of West Texas. She loves her family and her pets and wants to live near the ocean someday. She also adores books, movies, fast cars, and music. Ann wonders if she may have been a teen boy in a previous incarnation. In addition to her two e-readers, Ann has a stack of to-be-read books so tall she calls it Herman, as in Munster

Review copies of SEEKERS are available in eBook formats only upon request. Ann Swann is available for interview. For more information, to request a review copy or to schedule an interview, please contact publicity at WordCrafts Press.