Inspirational Author Monica Cane Hits Multiple Amazon Category Bestseller Charts With Autism in Hindsight bestselling author Monica Cane and WordCrafts Press are pleased to unveil her new book, Autism in Hindsight, which released to retail on March 7, 2024. The poignant and vulnerable new book centers around a candid conversation between a mother and her adult son, Isaiah, who was diagnosed with autism and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder when he was a young man, and offers hope for families who are working through the process.
Isaiah was eighteen years old when he was diagnosed as being on the Autism Spectrum along with having OCD. It was a relief for the young man to finally have a name for what he had been feeling and experiencing for so long.
For his parents, it was a different story. They had never observed any signs or symptoms that would have led them to believe their son might be autistic. At least, there were none they knew to look for.
Autism in Hindsight is a conversation between mother and son about getting diagnosed, working through it the process, and learning to connect the dots. Along the way they discovered it is often only in hindsight that you can move forward.
“I was shocked to learn that my son, Isaiah, was autistic,” Monica confesses. “He showed no outward signs as a child. You would think that as a total helicopter mom, I would have sensed something, but I didn’t. Once we did receive his diagnosis at age eighteen, I quickly became a student of the autism spectrum. My understanding came primarily from watching my son navigate his way through the many unfolding layers of the spectrum. Seeing how he embraced both the good and the bad in order to be mentally and emotionally healthy, aware, and accepting of himself caused me to understand two things. First, even helicopter moms don’t know everything, and second, my autistic son is an overcomer and his story needs to be shared.
“Thus, I was inspired to write Autism in Hindsight to help people who don’t know the intricacies of the spectrum learn from his story and to perhaps understand how broad the autism spectrum really is.”
“It is easy to write people off as being one-dimensional,” Isaiah adds. “Autism isn’t much different. I shared the depths of my experience on the spectrum to emphasize that empathy is most accessible when you peer beyond any one person’s surface and recognize how the beliefs, fears, and sentiments of their distinct past led them to share the same core desires for care and catharsis as yourself.”
From Autism in Hindsight
I had been in a deep sleep for a few hours when I found myself slowly waking up to the sound of muffled voices. Trying to clear the cobwebs from my sleepy brain, I strained my ear to determine who was talking. It had to be close to midnight, so I couldn’t imagine who would be visiting at that time. As I became more fully awake, I listened more intently and felt fairly certain I was hearing my son talking to someone. Whoever it was seemed to have a higher pitched voice. I thought perhaps it was a girl. But who? Although he was eighteen years old, Isaiah was still pretty shy; he didn’t really talk to too many girls, so who the heck was on the other side of my bedroom door talking to my son? That question became more prominent in my mind and caused me to sit up straight in bed, clear my head, and listen with intent to figure out who the mystery guest was. I don’t recall the words of the conversation, but I distinctly heard two different voices. It took a few more minutes of intent listening—and then suddenly, I knew.
My son was carrying on both sides of the conversation.
This Candid Conversation Between Mother and Son has already captured the attention of the reading public, propelling the title onto multiple bestseller charts, including the paperback debuting at Number 2 on the Compulsive Behavior Hot New Releases chart, the paperback and ebook versions hitting Numbers 2 and 4 on the Hot New Releases in the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder category, Number 3 on the Hot New Releases in Psychology of Personalities chart, Number 5 in Hot New Releases in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Number 6 in Hot New Releases in Compulsive Behavior, Number 26 Bestseller on the Compulsive Behavior chart, Number 36 Bestseller (Kindle version) and Number 35 (Paperback) on the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Bestseller chart, and Number 64 in Bestsellers in Autism Spectrum Disorder.
About Monica Cane and Isaiah Cane
Monica Cane is a freelance writer from Northern California. She is the author of Scrambled Hormones: 60 Days of Encouragement for Moms Raising Teenage Daughters and The Lost Coin.
To learn more about Monica, visit
Isaiah Cane draws from his experience on the spectrum for inspiration as a screenwriter in Northern California.
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