Popular Outdoor Personality and Author Joey Monteleone Turns to Fiction to Explore the Family Saga of Three Generations Spanning Cent’Anni—100 Years

Popular multimedia communicator Joey Monteleone is no stranger to fans of the Great Outdoors. A 2017 Legends of the Outdoors inductee, Monteleone is a third-degree karate black belt (and three-time Eastern USA fighting champion), a seasoned fishing guide who has caught fish all over North America, and the author of two highly regard non-fiction titles, in addition to being a beloved TV and radio personality, magazine writer, and in-demand seminar speaker. Now, he is pleased to announce the release of his debut novel, The Secret of the Storms, a family saga 100 years in the making, from WordCrafts Press.

“Cent’Anni—100 years—is a celebration of my family immigrating to the United State 100 years ago,” Monteleone says of the inspiration behind his new novel. “This story celebrates the struggles of three generations of an Italian family and allows the reader to become part of the family as they experience every possible emotion. There’s mystery, love, loyalty, danger, and much more with several shocking surprises as you turn the pages. It’s been called a combination of the TV series Yellowstone and the film version of The Godfather. I’ll take that accolade!”

Vincent and Rosa, his wife, live a simple life in small village in the south of Italy. A baker by trade, Vincent has built a business that sustains the young couple. But when la Cosa Nostra shows up and demands protection money from local businesses, Vincent determines to flee his homeland rather than submit to the gangsters. Together the young couple takes the giant step across the sea, arriving at last in the burgeoning metropolis of St. Louis. And so begins an epic journey of multiple generations of one family that exemplifies the immigrant experience in pursuit of the American dream.

As the family grows, Anthony Big Tony LeoMorte assumes the de facto role as family patriarch. His drive, ambition and cunning elevate him from the son of a bread baker to the pinnacle of his Italian neighborhood. His only motivation is his obsession with the success and protection of his family. His mantra, Family is everything! permeates his counsel to his children; but it also serves as the impetus for falling on the other side of the law.

About the Author

Joey Monteleone is a multimedia communicator having been involved for decades in TV, radio, magazines, and seminar speaking. A 2017 Legends of the Outdoors inductee, he’s boated more than 48,000 bass with 1,500 weighing in at over five pounds. He is a seasoned fishing guide and a third-degree karate black belt (and three-time Eastern USA fighting champion) and has caught fish all over North America.

The Secret of the Storms is his first novel.

Contact Joey Monteleone at fishjoey10@gmail.com