Veteran Educator and Professional Artist Collaborate on The Secret Door, the Second Volume of the Engaging Middle Grade Series, The Adventures of Cricket and Kyle.
Author/educator Christy Bass Adams and artist/illustrator Lisa Isadora Thompson are celebrating the release of The Secret Door, the second volume in their whimsical and engaging series of middle grade novels, The Adventures of Cricket and Kyle. The new novel released to retail on November 15, 2024 from WordCrafts Press.
The Secret Door, which debut at Number 60 on’s Hot New Releases in the Children’s Mystery category, is already generating praise from fans, both young and old.
The Adventures of Cricket and Kyle continue!” declared Michelle Brown, and involved parent. “Adams’ imaginative storytelling brings Cricket and Kyle’s vibrant friendship to life, while the illustrations perfectly complement the narrative. With its blend of humor, heart, and adventure, this book is a fantastic read that will leave the reader eager for more.”
“Our eight-year-old started asking about Book Two before we even finished Book One,” added another parent.”
“I laughed out loud several times and scared my husband,” said 80-year-old fan, Carol D.
Cricket and Kyle accidentally find a secret door under Kyle’s bedroom rug. Once they lift the door, they descend into a hidden room covered in ancient dust. A historical map, an unfinished hand-written letter, and a mysterious picture baffle the duo. What is the purpose of the secret room? And why does Kyle hear strange noises beneath the floorboards during the night?
Fast rides in a convertible, being pursued by the police, a homeless friend named Tad, and a house filled with random reptiles add to the excitement of the journey. Join Cricket, Kyle, and their cooky, librarian friend, Crazy Crookens, as the clues lead them back in time to the days of the Underground Railroad. Even Poppy joins in as he shares important clues. You don’t want to miss out on any of the fun.
Frome the Novel
Kyle bumped the corner of a big book, and it fell hard onto the floor.
“That sounded strange,” said Kyle.
We froze and stared at the floor.
“Yeah, for real. I heard it, too. It almost sounded—”
“HOLLOW!” We echoed at the same time.
We fell to our hands and knees, knocking on the floor with our knuckles, trying to see where the hollow sound came from.
“Was this your grandpa’s old room?” asked Kyle.
“No. This was the spare room where we kept our costumes for Imagination Checkers. Grammy always had a bed in the middle of the room over this spot on the floor.”
“Hey, look,” Kyle said. “There’s a crack under the carpet. Do you feel it?”
“Oh my gosh, I do! Do you know what this means?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he whispered. “It might be a secret door or something.”
I grabbed the corners of his nightstand and pushed it to the wall. He scooted one side of the bed, and I moved the other. With all the furniture pushed against one wall, we ran our fingers along the edge of the carpet. And there it was—a piece of loose carpet.
“Here goes nothing,” I said as we slowly pulled the carpet out and away from the wall.
I couldn’t believe it. “Kyle, do you know what this is?” My brain swirled.
A secret door. Under Kyle’s bedroom. But where did it go?
“Cricket and Kyle are back with even more fun, excitement, and adventure than before. And now that Cricket and Kyle are neighbors, the adventures are limitless,” declares author, Christy Bass Adams. “I can’t wait for Cricket and Kyle fans to meet the newest addition to the adventures—Crazy Crookens! This kooky, convertible-driving librarian will steal hearts and cause spontaneous eruptions of laughter.”
“While the story is tons of fun for middle graders, it also explores some pretty important events in our nation’s history,” Christy adds. “I hope this new Cricket and Kyle adventure will instill a deeper love of reading and a desire to learn more about America’s past. May this book fuel the passion of future writers and leaders.”
About Gail Kittleson
Christy worked in education for 18 years. Currently, she is the Outreach and Connections Coordinator at Fellowship Baptist Church in Madison, Florida where she continues to teach, lead, and serve. Her writing career includes a weekly inspirational column for Greene Publishing and regular contributions to,, and in addition to contributing to the anthology, Whispers of Grace. A multi-award winner in a variety of literary categories, Christy considers her most important role that of a wife, and mother to two busy, adventurous boys.
Christy’s love for reading and writing was fueled by her middle school English teachers who exposed her to authors and literature that set her soul ablaze and stirred her ever-growing imagination.
Once she obtained her own classroom, Christy instilled a love for reading, writing, and literature in her students, in all aspects of her classroom. Then as a college instructor, it was common for her to begin class with a picture book and challenge her students to find creative ways to incorporate the text across multiple subjects and concepts. Now as a mother, reading is even more important. Having two sons who love to sit in her lap and listen to a story, Christy enjoys fueling the imagination of her own children with timeless classics and forgotten treasures.
For more about Christy, visit her website,
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