Rodney Lewis Boyd Reveals
Thirty-one Secrets of Success in Encouraging New Book

Bible teacher, Speech-Language Pathologist, and #1 Bestselling author Rodney Lewis Boyd is thrilled to reveal the secrets of success in his his latest book, Thirty-One Secrets to the Not so Secret Secrets of Success, which released to retail in hardback, trade paperback, and ebook formats on September 7, 2024 from WordCrafts Press.

This third volume in the Success Trilogy which includes How to Live a Maximized Life and Biblical Prosperity and Success, continues Boyd’s deep dive into the Scriptures punctuated by his unique, often humorous approach to teaching.

“You can walk in the darkness, or you can walk in the light,” Boyd says with a wink and a nod, “but in my experience, you bang your shins more often when you walk in the darkness.”

“The secrets of success come from God’s wisdom,” he asserts. “But this wisdom is not of this age nor of the rulers of this age. This wisdom, these secrets, are a mystery. Fortunately, God is the great revealer of mysteries and secrets. The secret is to walk in the light of things revealed.”

“Rodney’s Biblical studies and scholarly writings are apparent in his books, and this is no exception,” says Dr. Kay R. Garrard, PhD, Professor Emerita, Middle Tennessee State University. “He encourages spiritual thought, understanding, and Bible self-study. While Rodney has organized his Thirty-one Secrets book into 31 chapters, he transparently threads his Biblical philosophy through all the “secrets” so that the reader wishes to learn more about how God’s messages relate to everyday life. How to accomplish God’s purpose is revealed in these Not so Secret, Secrets of Success.”

From the Book

The communication connection between God and humans is the spirit and the Holy Spirit that dwells inside of us. Since we have the mind of Christ and are able to receive understanding of the secret and mysteries of God, I believe that God has revealed the Not So Secret, Secrets Of Success to us to use in the natural world.

Many people believe that if you want to be prosperous and successful, all you must do is think about it, have faith for it, speak it aloud, visualize it, and bam! it will appear to you. Name it and claim it, blab it and grab it, or take your finger, open your Bible, close your eyes, and point to a Scripture, aka pop it and pick it.

I don’t believe in manipulating God to give me whatever I want, but I do believe that God has given me (and you) the power of choice. I can read His Word, come into agreement with His Word, and claim (declare) His Word in my life. I have the power and ability to choose God’s will (wishes, desires) in my life. I also have the power and ability to reject His will (wishes and desires) in my life. By my free will (volition) I can make choices that lead to positive or negative result.

“I wrote Thirty-One Secrets To the Not So Secret, Secrets of Success to put a bow on The Success Trilogy,” Boyd adds. My hope is that readers will take away that it is OK to be prosperous and successful and that poverty and failure are not virtues to strive for. My goal is for Thirty-One Secrets To the Not So Secret, Secrets of Success to be a handbook on success that can used as a 31 day devotional or as an extended study of the Biblical principles of Success.”

About Rodney Lewis Boyd

Rodney Boyd is first and foremost a follower of Jesus Christ. He is also a husband, dad, and speech-language pathologist. Rodney holds a Master’s Degree in Education with emphasis in Speech Communication and has been a practicing Speech-Language Pathologist since 1993. He holds a 2nd degree Black Belt in Wado Ryu Karate; has a passion for music of all styles; and enjoys writing, teaching the Word of God.

Rodney has been married to his high school sweetheart, Brenda, for more than 51 years and together they have one son, Phillip, a daughter-in-law, Jamie, and one granddaughter, Emerson Grace (How Sweet The Sound) Boyd.

Boyd bases his life on Colossians 3:17, “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.” Connect with Rodney on line at:



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