Author Katherine Kerestman’s short Story, Programmed, published by online flash zine, Trembling with Fear

Programmed, a new short story by Katherine Kerestman, author of the travel book, Creepy Cat’s Macabre Travels: Prowling Around Haunted Towers, Crumbling Castles, and Ghoulish Graveyards  (WordCrafts Press, 2020), has been featured in the online flash-zine Trembling With Fear.

Kerestman’s perscient short story offers a chilling look at the reliance of the human race on the information – true or not – coming from the internet. Technology is harnessed to, in theory, make life easier for us. But does it?

Fans can read the story for free at


About the Author

Katherine Kerestman holds a B.A. degree from John Carroll University and a Master of Arts degree from Case Western Reserve University. She loves to travel, especially to destinations with literary and macabre associations, including Transylvania, Whitby, Salem, and Stonehenge. She has joined her literary, historical and macabre proclivities together into her first non-fiction title, Creepy Cat’s Macabre Travels: Prowling Around Haunted Towers, Crumbling Castles, and Ghoulish Graveyards.