New Biblical Fiction Novel The Carpenter and His Bride Examines the Love Story of Mary and Joseph Before the Birth of Christ

Internationally acclaimed playwright and Top 10 bestselling novelist Paula K. Parker is celebrating her newest Amazon bestseller, The Carpenter and His Bride, which released September 29, 2022, from WordCrafts Press. Parker’s highly anticipated novel, which chronicals the love story between Mary and Joseph, the earthly parents of Jesus Christ, immediately resonated with fans propelling the title onto multiple bestseller lists. The paperback version debuted at #3 on Amazon’s Gift Ideas in Biblical Fiction chart, at the #6 spot on’s Hot New Releases in Biblical Fiction, and at #39 on the Bestsellers in Biblical Fiction chart. It also hit #7 in New Releases in the Religious Historical Fiction category. The hardcover version claimed the #18 spot on the Hot New Releases in Biblical Fiction chart and the Kindle ebook version debuted at #11 Hot New Releases in Religous Historical Fiction.

“The Sisters of Lazarus, trilogy was truly a labor of love,” Parker recalls. “But writing “The End” seems to be only the beginning for many novelists including myself, because there are so many wonderful stories yet to be told. Or in my case, re-told. Fortunately, I didn’t have to ponder long trying to decide the subject of my next novel. I have wanted to write about the love story between Mary and Joseph since I became a writer, but as with many Bible stories, the source material in the Scriptures is limited; two chapters in Matthew and two chapters in Luke. That meant I’d be spending months researching the culture, traditions, economy, politics, and everyday life in Judea during the first century before puttting pen to paper.”

“While the Nativity story has been told and re-told for two millennia, it has perhaps become simplistic due its familiarity, with manger scenes, shepherds, and wise men adorning church yards and fireplace mantels every December,” Parker muses. “It’s easy to forget these were real people, living real lives, with real emotions, goals, desires, and relationships.”

The Carpenter and his Bride which details events prior to the birth of the child named Jesus, offers a beautiful, stirring—at times surprising—account of the love story between Joseph and Mary as they walk the journey of complete obedience to God’s plan of salvation for humanity through His Son.

Joseph is a carpenter, but more than that, he is an artisan who is called upon to work on the construction in nearby Zippori, one of Herod’s capital cities. Mary is a demure young woman with a quiet spirit and a yearning toward all things beautiful and artistic. Each is drawn to the other’s servant heart, until they both realize that their gentle friendship has grown beyond simple affection into full-fledged love.

Award-winning biblical novelist Paula K. Parker has woven an exciting, inviting tale of young love, romance, political intrigue, and potential disaster as she brings fresh insight into a very familiar story, and critics are already lavishing the novel with praise.

“Paula K. Parker has delivered yet another biblical era masterpiece, even surpassing her well-crafted and captivating Sisters of Lazarus series,” declared Pulitzer Prize nominated journalist, Marian Rizzo.

“Most of us are familiar with the story of Mary as told by the Sunday School play each Christmas. A neat and clean version with little hardship or doubt. Paula Parker pulls back the curtain and shows us what may have really happened for Mary and Joseph,” adds Susan K. Stewart, author of Donkey Devos: Listen When God Speaks.

“In The Carpenter and his Bride Paula Parker reveals an ancient world and culture that, because humans are involved, is relatable to our own today. Mary and Joseph: just a boy and a girl who one day fell in love, having no idea of the journey God had laid ahead of them. But that’s not where it stops. As with all God-stories, this is only the starting point of an amazing adventure!” says internationally acclaimed recording artist, Mary-Kathryn.

“Captivating! A story for the ages has been brought to life in a way in which the reader actually becomes immersed as a part within it. Brilliant! A must read,” said Donna Williams, Vice President of EPIC Ministries, Inc.

“The adventure that awaits The Carpenter and His Bride is an exciting tale,” sculptor Tracy H. Sugg says. “Paula weaves in characters, circumstances and historic events that bring aspects of this very familiar story to a place that invites the reader to relish every moment that comes next; from surprising to thought-provoking, to joyful moments of laughter and times of deep reflection.

“Having read Paula’s previous books, I can say she has created another masterpiece in The Carpenter and His Bride.”

About the Author

Paula K. Parker is an internationally acclaimed author and playwright. She is a contributor to the New York Times Best Seller, Becoming (Thomas Nelson). She co-authored the two-volume Ancient Mysteries Retold series (Authentic Media U.K.) with New York Times best-selling author G.P. Taylor, and her stage adaptations of Jane Austen’s beloved novels, Pride & Prejudice, Sense & Sensibility, and Emma have been performed on stages around the world. Her Bestselling Sisters of Lazarus trilogy includes an endorsement from Roma Downey, Executive Producer of THE BIBLE miniseries.

For more information about Paula K.Parker visit her online at: or